Customer demand for laboratory accreditation has been rising for years. With many companies requiring their calibration service suppliers to be accredited, this demand is starting to reach a critical level. By becoming accredited, All American Scales & Calibration is better positioned to serve a wide variety of customers. Additionally, the time and costs associated with providing repetitive audits to numerous customers will decline with accreditation.

Perhaps the single greatest benefit of accreditation to All American Scales & Calibration is the accreditation process itself. All American Scales & Calibration employs some of the world’s leading metrologists. Both the QA systems and the technical operating procedures were thoroughly examined. Issues were discussed and recommendations made and implemented. While the lab was already excellent, it is now the best it’s ever been, and we have independent confirmation that we do what we say we do.

In the end, accreditation benefits both the accredited lab and its customers. Our processes and systems have been validated, our stated uncertainties scrutinized, and traceability established.